what word you like the feminine aspects of their natures with their conscious masculine selves. This need applies, as Susanna Valenti, Virginia Prince, "Jeri" and "Fran" have repeatedly stated in Trans- vestia and Femme Forum, as much to transvestites as to all other people. Membership of FPE should mean very much more than mutual dressing-up parties. It should carry with it the commitment to search for full personality integration at all levels.

Having said this I want to consider in more detail the matter of management of the transvestic urge. The unmarried have fewest problems. They can manage their lives, going their own way, neither being bothered by nor interfering with the needs of others. Theirs is the path of "the cat that walked alone, and all places were alike to him." In their aloneness they may be unhappy. This is the price of their freedom. They must realize, however, that they may be neg- lecting the more urgent need for full psychic integration of their masculine and feminine aspects, even while they adopt feminine dress whenever convenient.

Next comes the group, exampled by the "Leading Lady" article in Transvestia No. 59. Betty Lyn is certainly very lucky indeed and I sincerely wish her joy and continuing development of his/her full personality as life proceeds. If Virginia wants yet another job, may I suggest that she run a Marriage Bureau so that many more such couples as Betty Lyn and Fran can be brought together. Even so, it is not enough to land in that sort of haven in which a willing partner helps the transvestite to live a life that is compatible with his con- structs. The responsibility is laid on the happily married transves- tite, along with all the rest of us and on the normals, for a full ex- pression of all aspects of his personality.

Finally there is the position of those who hoped that Marriage would end their problems and who have found that it has merely compounded them. This group has the most difficult time. Wives. may or may not be accepting and the presences of children produces a further conflict of loyalties. I would, in my own case, prefer not to disturb the existing commitments which a growing family impose. I am responsible to them as well as to myself and cannot reject this obligation, which precludes the expression of my transvestism in my own home. Furthermore, I think that this expression may be irrelevant to the vital need to reconcile the masculine and feminine sides of my own personality, or if not irrelevant, only one aspect of an integration and development that must be pursued at all levels of being. Besides, no amount of skill could alter the shape of jaw or